First, you should load recharts:


1 Introduction

Treemap chart includes 1 basic type:

  • Treemap

The keys are:

  • character x with at least 2 columns: x[,1] are the nodes of the trees, x[,2] are parent nodes of the tree nodes. For root nodes, parent should be NA.
  • numeric y
  • facet is used to produce separate treemaps

2 Function Call

echartr(data, x, <y>, <series>, <facet>, <t>, <type>, <subtype>)
Arg Requirement


source data in the form of data.frame


character independent variable. Each level of x is treated as a data series. Other type will be coerced to factors. Only the first two are accepted if multiple variables are provided: 1st one as nodes, 2nd one as parent nodes.


numeric dependent variable. Only the first one is accepted if multiple variables are provided.


series variable which will be coerced to factors. Each level of series is treated as a grouping factor. Only the first one is accepted if multiple variables are provided.


facetting variable which will be coerced to factors. Each level of facet is treated as a subsetting factor to produce separate trees. Only the first one is accepted if multiple variables are provided.


timeline variable which will be coerced to factors. Only the first one is accepted if multiple variables are provided.



3 Showcase

3.1 Data Preparation

Let’s prepare a data.frame to show the typical structure.

data <- data.frame(
    node=c('IOS', 'Android', 'Samsung', 'Apple', 'Huawei', 'Lenovo', 'Xiaomi', 
           'Others', 'LG', 'Oppo', 'Vivo', 'ZTE', 'Other'),
    parent=c(rep(NA, 2), 'Android', 'IOS', rep('Android', 4), rep('Others', 5)),
    series=(rep('Smartphone', 13)),
    value=c(231.5, 1201.4, 324.8, 231.5, 106.6, 74, 70.8, 625.2, 51.7, 49.1,
            42.6, 40, 243))
node parent series value
IOS NA Smartphone 231.5
Android NA Smartphone 1201.4
Samsung Android Smartphone 324.8
Apple IOS Smartphone 231.5
Huawei Android Smartphone 106.6
Lenovo Android Smartphone 74.0
Xiaomi Android Smartphone 70.8
Others Android Smartphone 625.2
LG Others Smartphone 51.7
Oppo Others Smartphone 49.1
Vivo Others Smartphone 42.6
ZTE Others Smartphone 40.0
Other Others Smartphone 243.0

The tree structure is defined by the mapping of nodes and parents.

  • There are 1 series ‘Smartphone’, so we will see 1 treemap.
    • In the series ‘Smartphone’, we see ‘IOS’ and ‘Android’ have NA parent node. So ‘IOS’ and ‘Android’ will be the root nodes of this treemap.
      • Below the ‘Android’ root, we see 5 levels in parents nodes: ‘Samsung’, ‘Huawei’, ‘Lenovo’, ‘Xiaomi’ and ‘Others’. So ‘Android’ node will contain 5 level-1 nodes.
        • There are 5 sub-nodes under ‘Others’

You will see a breadcumb navigator under the treemap. The area of each tile is defined by value.

3.2 Treemap Chart

3.2.1 Single Treemap

type is set ‘treemap’.

echartr(data, c(node, parent), value, facet=series, type='treemap') %>%
    setTitle('Smartphone Sales 2015 (Million)', pos=5)

3.2.2 Multiple Treemaps

You can modify the data a little bit to yield multiple series.

data1 <- data[3:13,]
data1$series <- c('Android', 'IOS', rep('Android', 9))
data1$parent[1:6] <- NA
node parent series value
3 Samsung NA Android 324.8
4 Apple NA IOS 231.5
5 Huawei NA Android 106.6
6 Lenovo NA Android 74.0
7 Xiaomi NA Android 70.8
8 Others NA Android 625.2
9 LG Others Android 51.7
10 Oppo Others Android 49.1
11 Vivo Others Android 42.6
12 ZTE Others Android 40.0
13 Other Others Android 243.0

Thus we get two treemaps.

echartr(data1, c(node, parent), value, facet=series, type='treemap') %>%
    setTitle('Smartphone Sales 2015 (Million)', pos=5)

4 Futher Setup

Then you can configure the widgets, add markLines and/or markPoints, fortify the chart.

You can refer to related functions to play around on your own.