First, you should load recharts:


1 Introduction

Radar charts are based on Polar Coordinate System, which calls for center and radius. When you generate an Echarts object of radar chart using echartr, you can then modify the axes by setPolar.

2 Function Call

All the function names have two forms: small camel and lowercase_underscore (endorsed by Hadley Wickham).

setPolar(chart, polarIndex = NULL, center = c("50%", "50%"),
  radius = "90%", startAngle = 90, splitNumber = 5, boundaryGap = c(0,
  0), scale = FALSE, axisLine = NULL, axisLabel = NULL,
  splitLine = NULL, splitArea = NULL, type = c("polygon", "circle"),
  indicator = NULL, axisName = NULL, ...)
set_polar(chart, polarIndex = NULL, center = c("50%", "50%"),
  radius = "90%", startAngle = 90, splitNumber = 5, boundaryGap = c(0,
  0), scale = FALSE, axisLine = NULL, axisLabel = NULL,
  splitLine = NULL, splitArea = NULL, type = c("polygon", "circle"),
  indicator = NULL, axisName = NULL, ...)
Arg Requirement


Echarts object generated by echartR or echart.


Integer vector. The index of the polar systems you want to set. Default NULL.


Vector of the x, y position of the polar center. Could be numeric or character (percent form) vectors of length 2. Default c(‘50%’, ‘50%’).


The radius of the polar system, could be numeric or character (percent form). Default ‘75%’.


Numeric (-180 ~ 180). The start angle. Default 90.


Numeric. The number of sections to divide. Default 5.


Numeric vector of length 2. The gapping policy of the axis. Default c(0, 0).


Logical. Whether to ignore zero and zoom toward the range of _min and _max.


List. Axis line styles. You can set its show, onZero, lineStyle features. Default list(show=TRUE).


List. Axis label styles. You can set its show, rotate, margin, clickable, formatter, textStyle features. Default list(show=FALSE).


List. Split line styles. You can set its show, lineStyle features. Default list(show=TRUE).


List. Split area styles. You can set its show, onGap, areaStyle features. Default list(show=TRUE).


Character, ‘polygon’ or ‘circle’. The type of the polar shape. Default ‘polygon’..


List. The radar indicator and labels. The basic structure is list(list(text='...', min=..., max=..., axisLabel=list(...)), list(text='...', min=..., max=...), list(...), ...). Default is empty.


List. The name of the axis. You can set its show, formatter, textStyle features. Default list(show=TRUE, formatter=NULL, textStyle= list(color='#333')).


3 Showcase

3.1 Data Preparation

Let’s use mtcars to generate an Echarts objects g:

## Loading required package: data.table
cars = mtcars[c('Merc 450SE','Merc 450SL','Merc 450SLC'),
cars$model <- rownames(cars)
cars <- data.table::melt(cars, id.vars='model')
names(cars) <- c('model', 'indicator', 'Parameter')
g <- echartr(cars, indicator, Parameter, facet=model, type='radar') %>%
        setTitle('Merc 450SE  vs  450SL  vs  450SLC')

3.2 Modification

You can change the three radars one by one using setPolar.

g %>% setPolar(1, center=c('20%', '50%'), radius='30%', splitNumber=10) %>%
      setPolar(2, center=c('50%', '50%'), radius='35%', type='circle') %>%
      setPolar(3, center=c('80%', '50%'), radius='30%', 
            splitArea=list(show=FALSE), axisLabel=list(show=TRUE))

Or change all of the radars at one time.

g %>% setPolar(splitNumber=10, type='circle', splitArea=list(
              areaStyle=areaStyle(color=c('white', 'lightblue'))))