First, you should load recharts:


1 Introduction

The default position of timeline is 6 o’clock.

The recommended approach to use setTimeline is chart %>% setTimeline(...).

2 Function Call

All the function names have two forms: small camel and lowercase_underscore (endorsed by Hadley Wickham). To be lazy, we also provide short forms as well (e.g., tl for timeline).

setTimeline(chart, show = TRUE, type = c("time", "number"),
  realtime = TRUE, x = 80, y = NULL, x2 = 80, y2 = 0, width = NULL,
  height = 50, bgColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor = "#ccc",
  borderWidth = 0, controlPosition = c("left", "right", "none"),
  autoPlay = FALSE, loop = TRUE, playInterval = 2000, lineStyle = NULL,
  label = NULL, checkpointStyle = NULL, controlStyle = NULL,
  symbol = "emptyDiamond", symbolSize = 4, currentIndex = 0,
  data = NULL, ...)

setTL(chart, show = TRUE, type = c("time", "number"), realtime = TRUE,
  x = 80, y = NULL, x2 = 80, y2 = 0, width = NULL, height = 50,
  bgColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor = "#ccc", borderWidth = 0,
  controlPosition = c("left", "right", "none"), autoPlay = FALSE,
  loop = TRUE, playInterval = 2000, lineStyle = NULL, label = NULL,
  checkpointStyle = NULL, controlStyle = NULL, symbol = "emptyDiamond",
  symbolSize = 4, currentIndex = 0, data = NULL, ...)

set_timeline(chart, show = TRUE, type = c("time", "number"),
  realtime = TRUE, x = 80, y = NULL, x2 = 80, y2 = 0, width = NULL,
  height = 50, bgColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor = "#ccc",
  borderWidth = 0, controlPosition = c("left", "right", "none"),
  autoPlay = FALSE, loop = TRUE, playInterval = 2000, lineStyle = NULL,
  label = NULL, checkpointStyle = NULL, controlStyle = NULL,
  symbol = "emptyDiamond", symbolSize = 4, currentIndex = 0,
  data = NULL, ...)

set_tl(chart, show = TRUE, type = c("time", "number"), realtime = TRUE,
  x = 80, y = NULL, x2 = 80, y2 = 0, width = NULL, height = 50,
  bgColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor = "#ccc", borderWidth = 0,
  controlPosition = c("left", "right", "none"), autoPlay = FALSE,
  loop = TRUE, playInterval = 2000, lineStyle = NULL, label = NULL,
  checkpointStyle = NULL, controlStyle = NULL, symbol = "emptyDiamond",
  symbolSize = 4, currentIndex = 0, data = NULL, ...)
Arg Requirement


Echarts object generated by echartR or echart.


Logical. Show the timeline or not. Default TRUE. If you want to remove timeline from the echarts object, set it NULL.


‘time’ or ‘number’ format of the timeline. Default ‘time’.


Logical. If or not the changes take effect in realtime manner. Default TRUE.


x coordinate of the upper left point of the timeline bar. Default 80.


y coordinate of the upper left point of the timeline bar. Default NULL (automatic).


x coordinate of the upper left point of the timeline bar. Default 80.


y coordinate of the upper left point of the timeline bar. Default 0.


Width of the timeline. Could be a number or a character in percent form. Default NULL.


Height of the timeline. Default 50 (px).


Background color of the timeline. Default “rgba(0,0,0,0)” (transparent).


Border color of the timeline. Default “#ccc”.


The border width of the timeline. Default 0px (not shown).


Position of the control of the timeline. Could be ‘left’, ‘right’ or ‘none’. Default ‘left’.


Logical. Whether or not the timeline auto displays. Default FALSE.


Logical. Whether or not the timeline displays in loop mode. Default TRUE.


Interval when displays each timeslice. Default 2000 (ms).


A list. Line style of the timeline. Default value: list(color="#666", width=1, type="dashed"). Refer to function lineStyle.


A list. Label style of the timeline. Default value: list(show=TRUE, interval="auto", rotate=0, formatter=NULL, textStyle=list(color="#333")). Refer to function labelStyle.


A list. Checkpoint style of the timeline. Default value: list(symbol="auto", symbolSize="auto", color="auto", borderColor="auto", borderWidth="auto", label=list(show=FALSE, textStyle=list(color="auto"))). Supports features of ‘symbol’, ‘symbolSize’, ‘color’, ‘borderColor’, ‘borderWidth’, ‘label’.


A list. Control style of the timeline. Default value: list(itemSize=15, itemGap=5, normal=list(color="#333"), emphasis=list(color="#1e90ff")). Supports features of ‘itemSize’, ‘itemGap’, ‘normal’, ‘emphasis’.


Character. The symbol used in timeline. Default ‘emptyDiamond’. You can use symbols in setSymbols.


The size of the symbols. Default 4.


The current index position, in correspondance with z. It is used to show specific timeline slices. Default 0.


The data list of the timeline, also used as timeline data label. Default NULL.


3 Showcase

g <- echartr(iris, Sepal.Width, Petal.Width, t=Species)

Initially timeline is shown. Let’s turn if off.

g %>% setTimeline(show=FALSE)

Relocate the timeline. Note that pos argument does not apply.

g %>% setTimeline(y=40)

Enable autoPlay and change playInterval.

g %>% setTimeline(autoPlay=TRUE, playInterval=500)

Reformat and rename labels.

g %>% setTimeline(label=labelStyle(textStyle=textStyle(
    color='red', fontFamily='Courier New')),
    data=c('iris 1', 'iris 2', 'iris 3'))

Other formats.

g %>% setTimeline(bgColor='yellow', borderWidth = 1,
                  borderColor='gray') %>%

Change the symbol.

g %>% setTimeline(symbol='emptyRectangle')

Locate on the second timeslot on load. currentIndex should be 1.

g %>% setTimeline(currentIndex=1)